
Visit of French Specialist in austronautics in PetrSU

On 17 January Laboratory of new methods of physiological investigations (LNMPI, head- professor A.Y.Meigal, Institute of high biomedical technologies) was visited by Professor Pierre Denise (University of Lower Normandy, Caen). For the laboratory that is possibility to get consultations and also discussion of important problems of vestibulology and astronautics with well-known European specialist.

Professor Pierre Denise is one of the directors of programme for investigation of attention, spatial orientation and chronobiology in motion (UNICAEN/INSERM Mobilités) of Caen’s university and director of Research of organism and environment interaction department. His works are mainly devoted to physiology of vestibular apparatus and oculomotor reactions, in other words to the themes, which developed in Professor Meigal’s laboratory. Pierre Denise’s laboratory participates in space programmes of European Space Agency (ESA) and NASA on international space-station. He also has unique opportunity to learn vestibular reactions in zero-gravity during parabolic flight of an aircraft. Artificial gravity is as well his specialization.

Professor Pierre Denise got acquainted with work of new modern equipment, obtained by Petrozavodsk university on the programme PCD (videonystagmograph, stabilometer, system of video-capture of motion). He also looked at the process of diagnostics of deaf children’s vestibular apparatus’ state.
Questions of collaboration in the sphere of oculomotor reactions with linear accelerations, which physiology is learnt less, than rotatory accelerations. Collaboration in the area of vegetative reactions with accelerations of artificial gravity and thermoregulation is also possible.

«We wanted to see the laboratory of A.Meigal’s, with whom we got acquainted during the project «Mars 500» in Moscow. Visit of laboratory is the first step toward collaboration, possibility to have a look what equipment and methods you have. Such visits are necessary. », - shared his impressions Pierre Denise.

We couldn’t but asked the specialist when a man would be able to fly off to Mars and what should a man be?

- I think, that the flight will take place until 2025. First of all, we should develop measures to prevent injurious effect of space on a man. That is very difficult flight, as it will be held in closed space for a long time. That’s why the main characteristic of such a man is psychologically stable and appropriate, able to become a psychological leader.

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