St Petersburg technical fair
12-14 March 2014

From 12 to 14 March 2014 in Saint-Petersburg took place the annual St Petersburg technical fair (PTF), which gathered a record number of exhibitors and visitors and confirmed the honorary title of the main industrial event of the North-West.

Simultaneously with PTF, which united a number of international special industrial exhibitions and business events relative to metallurgy, metal-working, mechanical engineering were held Anniversary XX exhibition-congress «High technologies. Innovations. Investments» (HI-TECH), exhibition-conference Autoprom Russia and VIII St Petersburg Partneriat of the small and medium business «Saint Petersburg- regions of Russia and foreign countries ».
In all 539 companies from 19 countries took part in the events. Besides Russian companies, exhibitors from the Czech Republic, Germany, Belorussia, Ukraine, Finland, Slovenia, China, Taiwan, Korea and other countries presented their production and technologies for specialists. Moreover at the Fair were presented Japanese, American, Italian and Swiss manufactures.

The business program was introduces by the St Petersburg industrial congress, at which specialist were able to share experiences, at the highest level to discuss vexed question of the real sector of the economy and to define objective for the future.

Petrozavodsk State University presented at the fair innovative projects and developments of PetrSU’s innovation and technology centres and small innovative enterprises: «Nanoscan» Ltd, «Optisoft» Ltd, «Internet-business-systems» Ltd, «Plasmasphere» Ltd , «InvestBusinessConsulting» Ltd, «Fish resources» Ltd , SL «Physics of the nanostructured oxide films and coatings», «Centre of social and economic dynamics’ monitoring and modelling» Ltd , Club of programmers’ work.

A great number of the visitors and the participants of the exhibition was gathered by the simulator of an eye’s microsurgeon, developed by the creative group of the Club of the programmers’ work. The simulator of an eye’s microsurgeon is a hardware-based system, which allows leading the teaching and retraining of the high qualified specialists in the field of eye’s microsurgery. Everybody could not only look at this development, but also try oneself as an eye’s microsurgeon.

Not less interesting for the exhibition’s visitor was the development, presented by the SIE «Nanoscan» Ltd - «Automated early warning system for ecological danger and emergency situations in the ponds», aimed at the primary assessment of the acute toxicity in water. The system automatically informs about the emergency using wireless communication channel. Fixed events automatically accumulate in the unified centre, which allows seeing place and time of the damage. The visitors and the participants could see how the system of ponds’ biomonitoring works. For the demonstration mussels from the White Sea were specially brought to the exhibition, their condition is continuously controlled by the system for the purpose of analysis of the ecological situation.

SIE «Internet-business-systems» Ltd presented at the exhibition software product- automated system for the creation of the electronic scientific journals "SPRINT". During the exhibition’s work particular reference was made to the high interest of the institutes in such projects, which contribute to the growth of the publication activity of the staff and their scientometrical indexes. The outcome of one of the meetings was intention of a possible collaboration within the framework of implementing information system for the control of web-cameras and streaming broadcasts.

Interest among the exhibition’s visitors evoked a joint project, accomplished by the staff of the PetrSU’s scientific-research laboratory «Physics of the nanostructured oxide films and coatings Physics of the nanostructured oxide films and coatings» and SIE «Nelan-oxide plus» Ltd , entitled «Anodic oxide coating on the titanium and its alloys with the improved photocatalytic characteristics ». The project is aimed at creation of new photocatalytic active nanomaterials, intended for air and water cleaning from organic and inorganic components, process gases, capable to harm human and environment.

Anniversary exhibition-congress «High technologies.Innovations.Investments» (HI-TECH) culminated in tabulation of the traditional competition «The best innovative project and the best science and technical development of the year ».
The competition is founded by the Ministry of science and technology of the RF and has been held since 1998. As experts, who determined winners and awardees of the competition, were the specialists of the Federal state budget science institute «Scientific-research institute- Republican research science and advisory centre of examination» (RRSACE).

In 2014 227 projects were sent to the competition. Enterprises and institutes from Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad region, Moscow region, Stavropol territory, the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area, the Far East, Belorussia and Ukraine became the laureates.  From 13 projects, presented by the Petrozavodsk state university in the competition, 9 became laureates and were awarded to gold and silver medals.

Innovative project of the small innovative enterprise «NANOSCAN»Ltd «Automated early warning system for ecological danger and emergency situations in the ponds» in the category "Environment and efficient nature management " became a gold laureate of the competition.

In the category "Information technologies" gold medal won the development of «Centre of social and economic dynamics’ monitoring and modelling» Ltd - "PROGNOSiS" – software complex of prediction modelling of Russian economy’s staff requirements».

Silver laureates of the competition became:

• The cloud service of production scheduling «Timber sawing» («Opti-Soft» Ltd);

• Automated system «SPRINT» for the creation of the scientific electronic journals («Internet-business-systems» Ltd);

• High-technology equipment for the protection of the extended linear structures from trees and shrubs;

• Automated fry complex "AquaVita" («Fish resources» Ltd);

• Simulator of an eye’s microsurgeon;

• Anodic oxide coating on the titanium and its alloys with the improved photocatalytic characteristics ( PetrSU’s scientific-research laboratory « Physics of the nanostructured oxide films and coatings »);

• Pulse generator of supercooled plasma afloat for the increase of the germinating ability and improvement of the morphological indexes of sprout in plant growing («Plasmasphere» Ltd).

During the meeting with laureates the Head of the republic of Karelia A.P. Hudilainen emphasized: «It’s highly encouraging to note, that in Karelia every year are created new innovative projects, which find recognition in the international forums. We see that creative fervor doesn’t fade away in Karelia. New young projects’ developers appear- thay are students, post-graduates, but there are such innovative companies, which produce new developments regularly. Our innovative politics is directed at forming of creative environment. Besides providing finance for the implementation of scientific-research and experimental-design works(SREDW), many of you get grants and subsidies for the development of innovative activity. I suppose, that financial support of the government contributed to your achieving today’s success. One of the forms of our support is giving a platform for your developments’ demonstration, your product display and advancement to the foreign markets. We wish all awarded great creative success!»

Participation in the exhibitions of high technologies contributes to advancement of our developments to the domestic and foreign markets, give an impulse to the participants to the perfection of their developments and forming of new ideas. It is also significant that during the exhibition useful business contacts establish, search of investors and users of enterprisers’ innovative production is carried out.

The high potential of the PetrSU’s developments is demonstrated by the delivery of diploma for the complex project with an amount of financing 260 mln. rub. «Creation of the high-tech production of gate and wedge stamp-welded valve for the enterprises of nuclear and thermal power with the use of nanostructured protective coat». The project is implemented by PetrSU and CJSC «AEM-technologies» with the support of Ministry of science and education of the Russian Federation, in accordance to the decree of the Government of 9 April 2010 № 218, within the framework. As a result of the project, unique innovative equipment for the atomic electro power stations and lineal part of the long-distance oil and gas transmission lines will be developed, which will be created in the JSC «Petrozavodskmash».  

Our projects on posters ⟨rus⟩

Awards and achievements

  • 2 gold and 7 silver medals at the competition "The best innovative project and the best scientific and technical development of the year".

Petrozavodsk State University
33, Lenin Ave., 185910, Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, Russia
Tel: +7 (8142) 71-10-01, fax: +7 (8142) 71-10-00
Directorate for innovation
and production activity

31, Lenin Ave., Petrozavodsk
Tel: +7 (8142) 71-32-56